This exhibition of new paintings by Glasgow based Orcadian artist Leah Moodie has been created in response to the artists feelings of homesickness for Orkney.
Creating melancholic visions of displaced domestic scenes, painted onto sheer PVC shower curtains, Moodie often takes inspiration for the titles of her paintings from the lyrics of the songs she listens to in her studio. The exhibition takes its title from the lyrics of a song by the Grateful Dead called Ripple.
Moodie’s work has been informed by the paintings of Orcadian artist Sylvia Wishart, thinking about inside and outside, looking in and looking out, and how ‘home’ expands to include landscape, nature and the wider environment.
Moodie has been a regular visitor to the Pier Arts Centre for many years and was a member of Piergroup, the Centre’s young people collective. Leah graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2021 with a BA (hons) degree in painting.
Leah Moodie will give an informal tour of the exhibition on Thursday 11 July, 3pm. Admission is free. No booking required.
To enquire about work in this exhibition, please email info@pierartscentre.com
or telephone 01856 850209