Emma Ainsley (artist) and John Phillips (musician) from AinsleyPhillips Projects, have been commissioned to deliver the first phase of a Covid memorial project for Orkney called Remembering Together. This involves asking the people of Orkney about their experiences of the pandemic and what they want a memorial to be like. Emma and John’s practice is all about co-creating with communities, creating comfortable, safe spaces where everyone’s voice is heard and valued. They want to get alongside people whose voices are less likely to be heard to make sure they have an opportunity to feed their thoughts and ideas into the process of commissioning the memorial and have been meeting with folk and delivering sessions throughout the islands since October, at community groups, lunch clubs and youth groups, and in care services. They will be continuing to deliver sessions and collect input throughout January, then all input will go into a final report which will inform what gets commissioned for phase two of the project.
This session is an opportunity to experience one of Emma and John’s co-creative sessions, open to all. It’s a two hour session, designed to enable the group to explore the idea of a Covid memorial for Orkney, to share thoughts, memories, experiences and ideas. There’ll also be an opportunity to make some music together (no musical skills required).
Admission is Free but spaces are limited so booking is required. To book a place call the Pier Arts Centre on01856 850209 or email info@pierartscentre.com