The Pier Arts Centre is planning a study trip to London in Summer 2022, to visit the British Museum and other galleries and museums in the city.
There are six places for young people aged 18-26 years to take part in the visit.
The trip is fully funded by the British Museum supported by the the Dorset Foundation in memory of Harry M Weinrebe, as part of Pushing paper contemporary drawing from 1970 to now, supported by the Bridget Riley Art Foundation and on display at the Pier Arts Centre 1 April- 4 June.
This information evening will be an opportunity to have a guided tour of Pushing paper, find out more about how to apply and be able to ask questions.
Criteria to be considered for the trip:
You need to be 18-26 years and based in Orkney
Priority will be given to those still in education, unemployed, and those maintaining a creative practice.
To book a place at the evening, please email or telephone 01856 850209