The spaces between - Richard Welsby 1972-2022 - Curators talk
Including a screening of The Ring by Angus Reid
Installation view The spaces between ~ Richard Welsby
The title for this exhibition at the Pier Arts Centre which follows Richard Welsby’s career as an artist from 1972 to 2022, with 27 of those years in Orkney; originates in his lifelong connection to music and echoes of the ‘spaces between the notes’ that Sir Peter Maxwell Davies evocatively described in his review of Richard’s exhibition Vital Signs in 2000.
Clare Froy ( Welsby), who has been connected to and appreciated Richard’s work since 1975 until Richard died in 2022, will talk about his work, its creation, influences, and connections, over his artist lifetime in the Pier Arts Centre galleries on Saturday 1 June at 2.30pm. This will be followed by an opportunity to view The Ring by Angus Reid of Speakeasy Pictures, a film that Richard contributed to as a documentary photographer in 1997 post war Bosnia, which led to his emotive works, Bosnia Journeys included in the exhibition.
‘The film itself is, at its simplest, a series of encounters that allows the viewer to encounter the contemporary world and the people in it. It took four years to film, and a further five to complete as a composition. It was independently made and has never been publicly screened in this country despite the awards it has won abroad. I am delighted for it to be shown it in Orkney where the first images were made, also in the company of artists, on a beach in Papa Westray, when Richard and I first collaborated.’ Angus Reid May 2024
The Ring won the award "Best Documentary Feature 2004" at Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival
The Ring will be introduced on behalf of Angus Reid.
Admission is free and no booking is necessary